








Boeing787 vs Airbus350xwb

787 ProjectのHeadが、やっと3年ぶりに技術あがりの人になった、Oct,2009年、
Jim albaughが指揮を執ることになった。

もともと、B777の指揮をとった、Alan Mulallyは、737Next-generation, B777-200/300type でかなりの高い成果を作り上げた人であった、Sep/11の2001年に販売の急激な落ち込みに開発費の低下と注文機の低迷で、一時は雇用者削減まで出たほどであった、そんな中で、Boeingは、なんとしてでも目の前のタンコブであるAirBusに勝てなければ成らず、当時330が販売の伸びを見せていたのでその上を行くBoeing次期旅客機787を、経済性の良い、軽い機体で多くの注文をとることを打ち出した、
この件には反対であったA.Mulallyは、とうとう2006年にBoeingをやめ、かわりに、Scott Carson, the finacial and marketing side of business, つまり、No-enginere backgroundの人間が指揮をとった為に負債額、$2.5Bnの無駄をつくってしまった。

仮契約も含め史上最大と言われる注文をつくた、1200機、一年間に112機の納機をやるとまで発表し、それにそった納入予定まで出してしまった。 これが、いまだに各航空会社への遅延金の元になっているくらい、いい加減な予定を作ってしまった。 こんな、無謀と言えるほどのProjectを指揮しているScottは全て
Jimの下には、Fancher、general manager of 787.

Boeingでは、350xwb-1000型の内容がわからない為、今後は777の改造を考えていると発表しました。 そのくらい、Airbus350は、かなりインパクトのある、機種である事です。

777の弱点は、300型では離陸距離が3500メータと長いことです。この点、350-1000は、ほぼ同じ大きさ、重さ、性能ですが、3200メータ以内に収める事ができ、最大飛行レインジも長いことです。 B747の新Type 8型が最大積載は130-140トンとなりそうですが、それでも、Cargoでは、今後Airbusが本腰で350xwb-Fをつくったら、もっと、経済性の高いものとなるかもと期待をしております。

今回、787で Boeingは、大きな失敗をしているにも関わらず、それを無視した。

o be cont.

Boeing miswiring 787 and Airbus350

: Boeing787 and production miswiring from 2011 - 12 then, fire on battery
Boeing was, in the past, farmous for the 737 & 777, but things started to go wrong in 1995 with a change from technology based working to marketing based approach, and it is surely this which lies at the heart of its endless problems with the 787(seven late seven), starting with the "stuck together" launch and the repeated delays to the schedule.
the events of Set-11th caused a sharp drop in orders to which they responded by increased marketing pressure.
It appears theat someone in the company, surely in marketing rather than on the technical side, thought aircraft could be built on the same sort of assembly line system that is already used for car manufacture, without apparently taking into account the vastly greater complexity or the problems of introducing new and untried technology and design at the same time as trying to introduce a whole new working and assembley system with worldwide (45 campanies) ramifications.
---In 2007,the company announced that 112 787-plaines would be producted
per year. They set up a derivery schedule to the various air-lines.

With hindsight it is hard to understand why Boeing failed to forsee that massive problems were probably inevitable under these conditions, but they
are certainly suffering financially for their mistakes.
Then Alan Mulally, the head of the 737 and 777 programs, left in 2006.

But when Boeing reshuffled its top management , Oct 2009 ,--
three years after Mr Mulally let - the world's second-largest aircraft manufacturer signalled renewed commitment to engineering and execution over glossy marketing.

Jim Albaugh, the former head of the campany's defence divison, as head of the commercial arm. His appointment is meant to put a stop to the damage the mismanagement of the 787 and 787-8 has wreaked on the company's reputation and bottom line.

No doubt they will be more cautions in future.

Then, the company had a big mistake,    
Wiring miss,  which has been discovered by Japan Air Line.
JAL 's 787 have had fire on Jan. 2012 in USA twice, and All Nippon Air had two same problem  in Japan, the emergency landing had been happen in Matuyama-airport, then the pilot switched off all power before leave the 787, but a light of wing-let was still stwich on.

then, JAL discovered that the wiring to wing-light system had wrong, and report to Boeing on mid of Feb in 2012.
But the company did not reply, and egnore  the JAL report.
As the Boeing said the fire problem coused by battery falt, they will not accept any mistake at all.

JAL, used to state air line company and mainly orderd Boeing as Japan close to American government,
hoowever, the report was ignored by Boeing means some mistake would be happened again in future,
JAL has decided to change the order to Air-bus company rather than Boeing.
JAL never trust Boeing production any more as the latest model 787 have had miss-production, and nevre accepted  any suggestions even it is real problem.

The company's trust has been running out, never accept any comments or improvement at all.

New 737,    737-max will be produced with a large order-number(more than 1000) ,  this kind of porblem(miss-wiring  =  fire the battery)  would lay on production line again.

They never think about custom problem or consider any schedule flight problem when airlines use new Boeing


これは体を透視できるのです。 そして、なお勝つ、炎症もやわらげてくれるとて便利な処方なんです。。特に、婦人科については、子宮の内膜の炎症を即座に和らげる作用が強いのです。 習慣性流産とか、流産後の炎症などを、何としたいとか言う人にあいます。 

質問や問い合わせは、@sharoinhealing まで、送って下さい。



Chinese regional jet faces difficulties in the world market

SHANGHAI -- Final assembly of the first Chinese developed commercial jet,the ARJ-21, began Friday morning in Shanghai with the first 90-seater plane expected to roll out of the workshop at the end of the year.

286 people die(officially 38 people die only), 5carrige-100people each carriages-had crashed to other high speed train with 112km/h, and
fell off a high place to ground on 22nd of July about 7pm.

The Chinese engineers copy the drawing plan 7 years ago from Kawasaki-Heavy Inc. as Kawasaki asked to  make a part of carriage in China.

As there is serious failer, and Chinese authority had berried those carriage in the ground in 23rd, next day of accident,
The crash of two Chinese bullet trains is, first and foremost, a human tragedy.  The ordeal of Xiang Weiyi, a two-year-old girl who lay for 21 hours in the twisted wreckage near the corpses of her parents, has transfixed China's public.

Many rail experts have warned that China's rush to build the world's longest and fastest high speed rail network in record time was a recipe for disaster.
As well as proving them tragically right, this crash ends Beijing's ambitions to sell its nascent high-speed rail technology to the world, at least for the foreseeable future.

Compare that to Japan, where the bullet train network has not had any big accidents involving injuries or deaths since it started running in 1964, based by Kawasaki and Sumitomo Indus,

They were the ones who spoke out the loudest about safety concerns in China and the Chinese rail industry's industrial scale coping of rail technology bought over the past decade from foreign companies such as japan, Germany's Siemens, France's Alstom and Canada's Bombardier.
The foreign rail companies have long complained that trains meant to fun at up to 200kph(124mph) have been copied, modified and then made to run at speeds for which they were never designed, potentially compromising their safety.

 Most Chinese refused to ride on China"s high-speed trains because of safety concerns.

Given the serious questions that hang over the provenance of China's high-speed rail technology, it seems unlikely that any other country will risk the lives of its citizens on imprted Chinese bullet trains, no matter how cheap they are.

The domestically-developed ARJ-21, meaning "advanced regional jet for the 21st century", has given China a late but powerful presence in its own commercial aviation market, which up until now has been dominated by foreign aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus.

The ARJ-21's maiden flight is scheduled for March 2008(?) and mass production of the aircraft will begin in 2009(?), according to China Aviation Industry Corporation I (AVIC I), developer of the jet.
The market for the regional jet in China is expected to be around 700 by 2020, according to AVIC I.

"I am confident that the ARJ-21 will become the best regional jet in the world and give passengers a safe(?) and comfortable flight experience," the ARJ-21's chief designer, Wu Guanghui, told Xinhua.

But probably the bigger damage to perciptions will be done in China, where on Monday one citizen microbloger summed up the sentiment in a widely circulated posting:"Today's China is a bullet train racing though a thunderstorm - and we are all passengers on board."







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